20 March 2015


Fisherman's Night - April 7th - Spring Fly Fishing & Jigging for Stripers & More

Concord Rod & Gun Club Fisherman's Night

Tuesday, April 7th  7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Concord Rod and Gun Club, 74 Strawberry Hill Rd., Concord, MA 01742   www.concordrodandgun.com
“Get Ready For Fly Fishing This Spring &
Jigging For Striped Bass, Black Seabass, Tautog,
Tuna and More”
  *** Please register at:  http://www.concordrodandgun.com/event-1892690  
so we order enough pizza. ***

Andy Bonzagni from, our own local fly fishing shop, Concord Outfitters, will do a fly fishing presentation that will get you itching to get your rod out and start practicing for spring.
Jack Houghton from Daddy Mac Lures, another Massachusetts based business, will cover  all of the basics of jigging for Striped Bass and many other fresh and saltwater species
Event is free and open to the public.
For additional information, contact Capt. Steve Kirk, Club Pond Chairman -steve@captainkirkenterprises.com 

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