27 January 2013


Recreational Therapy for Disabled Veterans Video

                                         Warriors and Quiet Waters Documentary (click here)

My Son John guides for this organization. This is a short documentary with incredible imagery about a foundation that brings traumatically injured US service people out to the streams of Montana, so they may find recreational therapy and tranquility. There are at least two similar organizations in the US. I am the Team Leader at the Bedford MA VA hospital for one of them, Project Healing Waters.  

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or know a veteran in Massachusetts who could take advantage of this program please contact me. The disability need not be physical, i.e., PTSD qualifies as well. Sometimes people get the impression this is purely a recreational program. It's not. In addition to the inherent therapeutic nature of fly fishing lasting bonds develop between the participants and the volunteers and among the veterans. This helps veterans transition back into civilian life and can also be helpful with finding employment as the volunteers can help them network with potential employers. I've done a lot of volunteer work with various organizations and this one is the most rewarding. It's a humbling experience and a privilege to be able to help these guys and gals learn how to tie flies and use a fly rod. I'm glad my son and I are able to do it. These programs bring to mind the Henry David Thoreau quote, "Many men go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not the fish they are after".

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